# Hustles

The hustles endpoint url is:


# Hustles GET Request

Hustle GET request will fetch a list of hustles associated with the company of the user who is currently authenticated. The structure of the list will be:

    "id": 212,
    "title": "A Great Company Hustle",
    "source": "Website (PAID)",
    "companyName": "Bank of the North",
    "companyEmail": "aryastark@thenorth.com",
    "companyPhone": "078947598475",
    "status": "CONVERTED",
    "description": "Interesting description",
    "value": "54225.12",
    "budget": "435.00",
    "spend": "41226.00",
    "priority": "MEDIUM_PRIORITY",
    "companyWebsite": "https://skhokho.io",
    "companySize": "Medium Sized",
    "companyIndustry": "Healthcare Services",
    "addressLine1": "1 Church Streeet",
    "city": "Johannesburg",
    "state": "Gauteng",
    "country": "South Africa",
    "postalCode": "2122",
    "twitter": "https://twitter.com",
    "facebook": "https://facebook.com",
    "linkedIn": "https://linkedin.com",
    "uniqueId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    . . . . . // Other Results

# Hustles POST Request

When you want to create a new hustles record, you can send a POST request to the hustles end-point.

Hustles Payload Example:

  "title": "A Great Company Hustle",
  "source": "Website (PAID)",
  "companyName": "Bank of the North",
  "companyEmail": "aryastark@thenorth.com",
  "companyPhone": "078947598475",
  "status": "CONVERTED",
  "description": "Interesting description",
  "value": "54225.12",
  "budget": "435.00",
  "spend": "41226.00",
  "priority": "MEDIUM_PRIORITY",
  "companyWebsite": "https://skhokho.io",
  "companySize": "Medium Sized",
  "companyIndustry": "Healthcare Services",
  "addressLine1": "1 Church Streeet",
  "city": "Johannesburg",
  "state": "Gauteng",
  "country": "South Africa",
  "postalCode": "2122",
  "twitter": "https://twitter.com",
  "facebook": "https://facebook.com",
  "linkedIn": "https://linkedin.com",
Field Required/Optional Json Key Data Type Format
Title of the Hustle Required title string
Source of Hustle Optional source string/**fixed_options
Name of Company Required companyName string
Company Email Required companyEmail string
Company Phone Required companyPhone string
Status Required type string/**fixed_options
Description of the Hustle Optional description string
Hustle Value Optional value string 345.12
Budget for Hustle Optional budget string 345.12
Amounts already spent Optional spend string 345.12
Priority Required priority string/**fixed_options
Company Website Optional companyWebsite string
Company Size Optional companySize string/**fixed_options
Company Industry Optional companyIndustry string/**fixed_options
Address Line 1 Optional addressLine1 string
City Optional city string
State Optional state string
Country Optional country string
Postal Code Optional postalCode string
Twitter Optional twitter string
Facebook Optional facebook string
Linked In Optional linkedIn string

** Source of Hustle Fixed Options

  'Employee Referral',
  'Social Media',
  'Proposal (RFP)',
  'Return Client',
  'Website (PAID)',
  'Website (ORGANIC)',

** Status of Hustle Fixed Options


** Priority of Hustle Fixed Options


** Company Size Fixed Options

  'Entrepreneur Only',
  'Start up',
  'Small Business',
  'Scale up',
  'Medium Sized',
  'Big Company',

** Company Industry Fixed Options

  'Business Products & Services',
  'Clean Technology',
  'Consumer Products & Services',
  'Financial Services',
  'Healthcare Services',
  'Legal Practice',
  'Media & Entertainment',
  'Medical Devices & Equipment',
  'Networking & Equipment',